Pricing & Valuing Your Sponsorship Offer

The challenge of creating a robust pricing technique for sponsorship inventory is an enduring challenge for many sponsorship sellers. In this webinar we explore three pricing techniques - a cost led approach, benchmarking and the audit technique (valuing tangible and intangible assets). Alongside that we think about how sellers can harness the power of their intangible benefits, take advantage of their sponsorship USP, and use a robust pricing methodology to support healthy sponsorship negotiation.
Key topics covered in this webinar include:
- Identification of pricing techniques (focus on the audit technique)
- Tangible vs Intangible sponsorship assets
- Selling IP - Opportunities and Considerations
- Pricing Sponsorship & Strategic Rights Management
- Pricing & Negotiation Strategies
Identifying how much your sponsorship is worth is one of the enduring challenges for sponsorship-seekers. In this webinar we walk you through the industry-approved audit technique with a view to empowering attendees with a robust tool and technique to support your sponsorship valuations. This webinar considers the value of intangible - as well as tangible 'sponsorship rights' and what and how sellers can approach the pricing process confidentially.
This webinar is designed to be interpreted easily by both experienced and less experienced sponsorship practitioners.
Ways to Watch:
This webinar is available 'On Demand' and runs for approx. 60 minutes.
Costs & Access:
- On Demand webinar cost: £85.00 +VAT
- On Demand Webinar Series Ticket - Pick any 3 webinars from our series - £147.00 +VAT
- On Demand Webinar Series Ticket - Full access to all 6 webinars from our series - £249.00 +VAT
Once booking is confirmed and payment is received, we will send you an email with access to our 'on demand webinars' via our member zone.
"Thanks for another really useful webinar today!"
Association for Cultural Enterprises
Thank you so much for the webinar series - I have really learnt a lot'
Chartered Accountants Ireland (June 2020)
"Thanks for the seminar this morning, I found it very useful and it was particularly good for me that it was based on an arts events rather than sport for a change".
Underbelly (June 2020)