
Our sister site Find!Sponsorship gives professionals in the sponsorship industry the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight through three database tools:
1) Deal Database: We've got details of over 25,000 sponsorship deals dating back to 1998 - subscribers can search for information by sponsorship fee, sponsorship type, sponsor, date, industry sector or activity type. So, if you're in the business of benchmarking or doing competitive research then take a look. Book a demonstration by emailing or visit the site to take a look round by clicking here
Price: £995 +VAT per annum
2) Find!Sponsorship Directory: Our online marketplace allows you to add your sponsorship opportunity by key demographic information so that it appears when buyers are searching for ideas against key criteria. Click here to add your sponsorship opportunity and make sure you're being seen by key decision makers.
‘We’ve used the Find!Sponsorship Deal Database since its launch. It’s a cost-effective tool that we find extremely helpful for our work, particularly to inform strategic planning, market landscaping and client competitor reviews'.
Joel Seymour Hyde, SVP, Octagon (October 2016)